
Intro To Me

Hi, I’m Jasmine also now known as “Jazzy Speaks”. I created this space for myself because this is where I allow the opportunity for MY words to flow without #filters. I want to educate you through my experiences.

I had a filter on for so long for social media, friends and family that many did not even know I was unhappy with my life for YEARS. I was very good at hiding and saving face because I wanted to please others. I have done the work to heal from the hurt and pain I experienced and I want to give my story back to women (and men) who have felt or feel the same. Stay tuned for more blogs and motivational posts and tips from me! 

Currently, I am a licensed professional counselor by day. I am a full-time mother. When I’m not spending time with my wonderful son and supportive significant other, I love reading, writing, creating new food dishes, going on adventures, and living a healthy, joy filled, and organized life!

My life mission and purpose, is to help women get unstuck, inform them that I SEE them, and help them discover their WHY in life through MY story by building connections, and providing counseling. 

I’m that counselor who you wish was your best friend! I love people! 

Also, I have my first book coming soon!! Stay tuned for: “She Stood Up and Walked”. 

I look forward to providing you all with gems and adding value to your life.  

9 replies on “Intro To Me”

I’m excited to hear your story and hopefully learn from it, so I can finally heal from the pain and hurt I still struggle with now! I’m very proud of you and thank you for always being YOU!

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Lianesha first thank you so much for your support and excitement. It makes me feel good to know that I can give back through my story. Secondly, I pray that you continue to heal through your pain and come out on the other side stronger than ever before.

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